Cochran County, Texas
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TXGenWeb Coordinators
Cochran County: Mary McKnight
State: Gina Heffernan
No persons found.
Bacon, Hezekiah
Baker, A.
Baldwin, Lenwood Marion
Barbarick, Joseph Leroy
Barker, James Humphrey
Barnes, Harvey Arthur
Barnes, William
Barnett, William Dupree
Battenfield, Benjamin Allen
Baugh, Doctor Othello
Beard, Samuel Garrett
Beaver, Carl Tipton
Bennett, Marion Arlo
Bennett, Marvin Earl
Benton, William Houston
Best, Tommie Marion
Bills, Dalton Nathaniel
Bills, Louie William
Blair, Lemuel Allen
Boatright, Monroe Davis
Bogart, Herbert Elisha
Boyd, Fred Leland
Bozike, Sam
Bragg, Houston Benjamin
Brown, John Oscar
Brown, Lon
Brown, Thomas Garland
Browning, James Luther
Buchanan, Noble Washington
Burns, Jesse Jerome
Burton, Edward Augustus
Butts, Robert DeWitt
Byrum, Edward Smith