Cochran County, Texas
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TXGenWeb Coordinators
Cochran County: Mary McKnight
Gina Heffernan
No persons found.
Cagle, Willie Lee
Campbell, Richard Thomas
Capps, Thomas Jackson
Carter, Daniel Robert Sr.
Chamberlain, Henry L.
Clayton, Ira Bentley
Cole, George Washington
Combs, James Oscar
Condray, Jewel Emmit
Connally, James William
Cook, Joe C.
Cook, John Alfred
Cook, Willie
Coon, Edward Everitt
Cooper, George Floyd
Cooper, Robert E. Lee
Cordova, Placido Garcia
Cox, Solomon Turpin
Criswell, John Christfur
Crockett, Alvin Nathaniel
Crockett, John Sharp
Crute, Robert Lee
Culpepper, Jesse Everette
Cunningham, James Patrick