Cochran County, Texas
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TXGenWeb Coordinators
Cochran County: Mary McKnight
Gina Heffernan
No persons found.
Salem, Sam Assed
Scott, Evertt Eric
Shannon, Roy Ross
Shannon, William Hamilton
Shaw, Charley Green
Sherron, John Walter
Shockley, Albert Edward
Sides, Malcolm Dewitt
Silverman, Isidore
Simmons, Beatrice O.
Smith, Roy Lee
Smith, William Henry
Smith, William Wayne
Smith, Willie Wilson
Smith, John Lemuel
Smyers, Uriel Victor
Soliz, Rafael
Stanton, Henry Lois
Steed, Netum Hern
Stephenson, Charley Newton
Stinson, Chester Calhoun
Sudduth, Ben Milam
Sullivan, Fred