Cochran County, Texas
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Sunday, January 15, 1967
WHITEFACE (Speical) - Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bills will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at an open house from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the Whiteface Elementary School Auditorium.
Host couples will be the Bills' sons and their wives. They are Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bills of Lubbock, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bills of Corona, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bills of Odessa, Charles Bills of Spur and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bills.
The former Miss Lorena Reid and Bills were married Dec. 12, 1916, at Reno and moved to Whiteface in 1936. They have nine grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.
They are members of Church of Christ.
If you have marriage records you would like included on this site, please email me.