Texas' Last Frontier
Mary Helen McKnight - Able to help with book searches, research at courthouse, library, museum and/or cemetery. Email me.
Available Research Books:
If you would like to volunteer to help with Cochran County look-ups, please email me.
There is no charge for research help.
Limit one individual or couple (if spouses) per request.
When possible please provide as much information as you can. Most helpful information should include as much of the following as possible: full name, known nickname, date of birth (or approximate year), date of death (or approximate year), name of spouse and date of marriage, approximate year(s) lived in Cochran County.
We will NOT provide hard copies of any documents or photographs. Copies of documents typially involve a fee, as does postage & shipping materials. You must provide us with a vaild email address to send scanned images or photographs to.
We will NOT research your entire family tree for you.
We will NOT violate copyright laws.